Stadtfest Kierspe

Bei dem Schätzspiel des Vereines Menschen helfen kamen Maikel Rupp, Naima Hassouni (Mitte) und Amelie Regina Vollmann den zu schätzenden 823 Ü-Eiern sehr nahe.

Auch wir von Menschen helfen hatten einen Stand auf dem Stadtfest. In einer großen wanne lagen unzählige Ü-Eier, deren Anzahl geschätzt werden sollte.

Die Vorsitzende Gundula Schneider gab zum Schluss des Stadtfestes die Gewinner des Schätzspieles bekannt. Geschätzt werden sollte die genaue Anzahl der Ü-Eier in einer Wanne. “165 Tips haben wir bekommen”, so Gundula Schneider. “Naima Hassouni kam mit der geschätzen Zahl 820 den genau 823 Ü-Eiern am nähesten. Amelie Regina Vollmann schätzte 805 Ü-Eier und Maikel Rupp 800.” Alle drei erhielten einen Gutschein überreicht.

Seit 2015 erfolgreiche Einrichtungsarbeit

Welcome to „Menschen Helfen e.V. Kierspe”

You would like to donate? Click here for our donation forms (furniture, bike, computer, time, …)

Successful furnishing work since 2015

Furniture storage by “Menschen helfen” helps refugees

In the meantime, the association “Menschen helfen” has furnished well over 100 apartments in cooperation with the social welfare office of the city of Kierspe. They have been furnished with material from the furniture warehouse. In the process, the municipality saved money, and Kierspe and Meinerzhagen citizens were pleased when their discarded and still good furniture and household items did not end up in the bulky waste, but found further use.

Even now, refugees are still arriving, many from Ukraine. The association supports families and individuals who, after being recognized by the Federal Office for Migration, move to the job center and then, as a rule, have to move out of the municipal apartment. Between the social welfare office and “Menschen helfen” it is clarified in each case what the association can provide or what the city still has to purchase.

The warehouse at Kamperbach 67 is open every 1st and 3rd Saturday of the month from 11 am to 1 pm. During this time, citizens can drop off items. The dates can also be found on the calendar in the sidebar.

Items needed are: Bedding, towels, bath towels, dish towels, pots, pans, silverware, dishes, kettles and vacuum cleaners. And of course the association is still happy to receive suitable offers of furniture.

You can register your offers here or directly in the warehouse during opening hours.

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